Phạm Phương Nam1, Nguyễn Văn Nghĩa2
[1] Học viện Nông nghiệp Việt Nam.
[1] Sở Tài nguyên và Môi trường tỉnh Bắc Giang.Từ khóa: đánh giá, khiếu nại, giải quyết khiếu nại, khiếu kiện, bồi thường, hỗ trợ, tái định cư, Bắc Giang
Assessing the settlement of complaints, claims for compensation, support and resettlement in Bac Giang city, Bac Giang province
Pham Phuong Nam, Nguyen Van Nghia
The study aims at assessing the settlement of complaints, claims for compensation, support and resettlement in the city of Bac Giang, Bac Giang province during the period of 2012-2014. From 63 projects involving land acquisition during the study, selected 02 projects with complaints, claims related to compensation, support and resettlement. The study results showed that the proportion of complaints resolved is over 80% of cases; grievance ratio reached 100% of the cases; the majority opinion of the people said that complaints and grievances have been resolved in the correct order (from 91.30 to 95.65% of total respondents achieved). However, while 66.67% of the respondents in the Project 2 considered that resolving complaints and grievances are not on schedule; 30.43% of the respondents felt less satisfied about the results of the settlement of complaints and 9.09% of the respondents were not satisfied with the results for redress of grievances. Some households with complaints, claims unfounded; other errors in identifying objects and level of compensation, support and resettlement… To overcome these problems, inadequacies in handling of complaints, grievances, it needs to strengthen land management; compliance with regulations on receiving complaints and claims; update legal knowledge to resolve complaints, grievances and improve policies and laws on land.
Keywords: Bac Giang, Claims, compensation, complaints, resettlement, support.
Người phản biện: PGS.TS. Ngô Đức Phúc
Ngày nhận bài: 12/7/2016
Ngày thông qua phản biện: 21/7/2016
Ngày duyệt đăng: 05/8/2016