Nguyễn Hữu On, Ngô Ngọc Hưng (trang 137-140)
Từ khoá: cadimi, Cd, đất, lúa, Đồng bằng sông Cửu Long, ô nhiễm
Cadmium content in Mekong delta flooded rice soils and warning of soil cadmium contamination
Using GF-AAS, Cd concentration was found 0.01-0.56mg/kg soil. Alluvial soil contained more cad content than saline soils. Concentrations were lower than critical values considered by TCVN-2000, but results of study indicate an anthropogenic impact on soil Cd levels. Concerns of food-chain contamination should be evaluated more closely, especially the areas with dykes, because these areas appear a potential Cd contamination of the ecosystem.