Vũ Thị Kim Thoa, Phạmg Tiến Hoàng, Phùng Ngọc Tân (trang 86-89)
Từ khoá: vai trò, lân, lúa, đất phù sa, sông Hồng, Đại Mỗ
The role of phosphate forms to rice on alluvial soils of the Red river
FYM plays important role in increasing soil fertility especially to phosphate forms. Phosphate forms status in alluvial soils of the Red river range from 5.7-14.9 mg/100g soil (P-Al), 22.0-31.0mg/100g soil (P-Fe) and 9.9-15.0mg/100g soil (P-Ca). They play important role to rice crop, especially P-Fe form. Organic phosphorus value and its influence to rice crop is higher in summer than in spring season. Phosphate gorms in alluvial soils are the source of available phosphorus for crop.