Nguyễn Thế Hưng*
*Sở Giáo dục Đào tạo Quảng Ninh
Từ khoá: quan hệ, tính đa dạng, habitus, thực vật, đặc tính lý hoá, đất, thực bì, Hoành Bồ, Quảng Ninh
Elation between the diversity of habitus of flora and physical-chemical properties of soil in the different vegetation covers at Hoanh Bo district, Quang Ninh province
Active role of forest vegetation I protection of soil from degradation process was pointed out. Results of study on flora and the impacts of human intervention on the succession of vegetation in Hoanh Bo were reported. On the basic of data, the author comes to conclusion that there is a relation between the physical-chemical properties of soil and habitus of flora.