Lê Quang Trí, Văn Phạm Đăng Trí (trang 56-70)
Từ khoá: chọn lọc, phương pháp, đánh giá đất, Trung Hiếu, Vĩnh Long
Alternatives of multi-criteria evaluation of land in Trung Hieu commune, Vinh Long province
6 land use types were selected. 4 criteria were determined. 4 multicriteria evaluation methods were used. Results of multicriteria evaluation approaches: special fruit trees were seen as the best and double cropping of rice followed upland crop was promoted in the groups of annual crops. Among 4 multicriteria evaluation approaches were applied, weighted summation and expected value method were simplest with the acceptable results were promoted in the present condition of Trung Hieu commune. In future, with many more deep researches and with the support of computer programs the Evamix method is the best for application.