Nguyễn Mỹ Hoa, Upendra Singh, Henry P. Samonte (trang 28-35, 38)
Từ khoá: khả năng, cung cấp, K, kali, đất lúa, đồng bằng sông Cửu Long, phương pháp, phân tích, cây trồng
Capacity of supplying potash of some rice soils in the Mekong river delta and correlation between method of potash analyse and crop response
Conducted study to determine: K fractions of soils, potassium soil tests – crop response correlation. Exchangeable K was highly corelated with K uptake and was, therefore a reliable index to estimate the available K supply in soils of Mekong delta. Net non-exchangeable K by boiling 1N HNO3 was not correlated with K released from non-exchangeable form by cropping.