Lê Quang Trí, Võ Thị Gương*
*Đại học Cần Thơ
Present situation of shrimp culture in the Mekong delta: environment and social economics
Intensive shrimp production leads to extremely high benefit compared to growing rice but it confronts rather high risk of failure to farmers in coastal areas of Mekong delta. Constraints of soil and water quality were found as: salinity varied in large extent, alkalinity was below optimum value during shrimp cycle, low nutrients of nitrogen and phosphorus which related to low chlorophyll- a content, meaning of effect to natural food chain ponds, hydrogen sulfide content was higher than critical level of toxicity for shrimp growth. Constraints in terms of social-economics were investigated as: insufficient capital investment, inadequate of knowledge and technique for shrimp cultivation after transferring from rice to aquaculture, low infrastructure development and water management system, low shrimp fry quality. All these above factors strongly related to the success converted rice production to aquaculture performance in salinity intrusion areas.