Phạm Quang Hà, Dufey J.D. (trang 87-91)
Từ khoá: nghiên cứu, cân bằng, dung dịch, đất lúa, đất, đất ngập nước, trung du, lưu vực, sông Hồng
Charge equilibrium in some paddy mollic gleysols solution in the midland of the Red River watershed
Study showed that dissolved organic carbon in soil solution determines principally the augmentation of negative charge. In average, 2.4 atoms of carbon bear one negative charge. This value is relatively high in comparison with that shown in the literature but it is comprehensible because of the variable of charge due to pH change. This explains how is the important role that farm yard manure play in rice intensification and we can not understand what rule governs the soil solution if not studying together inorganic and organic part of the soil solution.