Nguyễn Văn Sức
Từ khoá: sinh khối, vi sinh vật, hoạt động, đất, bảo vệ môi trường, miền Bắc, Việt Nam
The effect of some science-technologies on biomass activity of soil microbes in sustainable soil use and safety environment of some agro-ecological regions in the north of Vietnam
Studied 3 agro-ecological regions: western north, central north and eastern north. Results: the appropriately technological methods applied in the soil use and soil protection demonstrations bring about good effect in improving agricultural soil environment, particularly in soil moisture, soil pH and OM content. The positive effect of science-technologies on biomass activity as seen in the changing of quantity of microbes, total bio-activity in the soil (CO2 emission) and the present of some special microbe groups (Azotobacter). Use of crop residues for soil mulching gave high efficiency to biological activities.