Nguyen Van Toan1, Nguyen Vo Kien1, Duong Thanh Nam2, Vu Xuan Thanh1, Nguyen Thi Ha1, Vu Anh Tu1
[1] National Institute of Agricultural Planning and Projection2 Academy of Science and Technology
Northeastern Hilly Area belongs to six provinces namely Cao Bang, Quang Ninh, Lang Son, Bac Giang, Bac Can and Thai Nguyen. It has a total natural area of 1,230,175.41 hectares, of which land area is 1,138,336 hectares. Research on soil classification of Northeastern hilly areas was conducted to provide basic data for rational land use planning. Study results show that: Soils of Northeastern Hilly Area are very diverse with the appearance of the diagnostic layers such as argic, ferralic, mollic and calcic, etc and gleyic properties. In which, an argic layer is formed by clay leaching, what is very common in soils of the studied area. Based on the appearance of the diagnostic layers, properties and material as mentioned above, soils of Northeastern Hilly Area are classified into 9 soil groups, 22 soil units and 86 soil subunits. Acrisols are most common in the area, these cover an area of 859.074 ha, occupies 69.8% of total natural area, next is Anthrosols (7.7%), Ferralsols (5.8%), Leptosols (3.2%), Gleysols (2.7%), Luvisols (2.4%), the rest soil groups such as Phaeozems, Calcisols and Vertisols cover small areas ̣̣̣(less than 1%).
Keyword: Northeastern Hilly Area, soil classification.
Reviewer: Ass.Prof.Dr. Le Thai Bat
Received: 16/01/2024
Review completed: 17/8/2024
Accepted: 16/9/2024