Bùi Thị Phương Loan*, Phạm Quang Hà*
*Viện Thổ nhưỡng Nông hoá Quốc gia
Từ khoá: mối quan hệ, dung tích hấp thu, tính chất hoá lý, đất, Bắc Việt Nam
Cation exchange capacity in some soil types in north of Vietnam and its relationship to some physical and chemical properties
CEC was low in 3 studied soils: sandy soils in Nghe An, medium saline soils in Nam Dinh and feralitic soils on clay shale in Phu Tho provinces. Exchangeable basic cations, indicating CEC quality, were also low and distributed following the order Ca++ >> Mg++ >> K+ > Na+. Ii medium saline soils, because of higher concentration of Na+ so that K+ was replaced by Na+ in above mentioned order. A close relationship between CEC and clay mineralogy was observed, Soils dominant with kaoline have low CEC, where as soils dominant with hydromica, vecmiculite, halloysitehave higher CEC.