Chu Xuân Ái (trang 52-56)
Từ khoá: yếu tố, dinh dưỡng, chè, Phú Hộ
Initial investigation of the essential nutrients of some tea – varieties at Phu Ho station
Applying the diagnostic’s method of tea leaves having the differences: of growth, productivity and quality in order to discover the nutrition characteristics, according to the particular hereditary nature of each tea race – is an orientation of research non-previous.
Analysing the capacity. Race of the essential substances in the tender buds and in the leaves remained on the tea plant helps us to calculate, in the great part, the quantity of nutritive substances absorbed by the tea plant.
The documents above mentioned denote: the requirements of the nutritive substances for each race of tea plants are different: especially, the difference of the correlation of N + P2O5 + K2O = 100 between the various races of tea plants obliges us to continue in research work to discover the quality, the rate convenient for the stability of the tea race, contributing and to complete the best method in the diagnostic of the tea leaves in research work, and limiting the quantity of fertilizer favorable for the tea plants.