1 Viện Nghiên cứu Sinh thái và Môi trường Rừng
Từ khóa: tính chất, đất, đất rừng, mô hình, rừng trồng, hồ, ven hồ, Hòa Bình
Change of some forest soil Properties under the impact of plantation models in key areas surrounding the Hoa Binh water reservoir
Nguyen Thi Oanh
After 6 years of reforestation, soils under different plantation models get considerable changes in soil chemical properties. In general, soil pH, organic matter, total Nitrogen, Phosphate and Potash, Ca++ and Mg++ increased gradually, and were higher than that of deforested ones. However, it should be examined in a long run in order to withdraw conclusion of wich species of tree, and which models giving the highest efficiency in improving soil properties in the studied area.