Nguyễn Thúc Huyên, Hoàng Sĩ Khải (trang 16-19)
Từ khoá: thành phần, hàm lượng, keo, keo khoáng, đất, phù sa, Đông Nam Bộ
Composition and content of mineral colloid of old alluvial soils (OASs) in the South Eastern Region of Vietnam
The composition and content of 4 typical OASs profiles were determined. The majority in mineral colloids are non clayic ones. Quartz occupies the highest content. Goethilte and hematite make ap low rates, but their presence in soils is related clearly to the special features of each OAS such as color and sone other characteristics in soil profiles. Aluminium hydroxydes and oxyhydroxydes are almost absent. Feldspat still rarely exists with low content. The main clay mineral is kaolinite, illite and chlorite are found, but not typical and disappeared completely after treating under 550oC. They are may be degenerating with uncompleted structures