Phạm Quang Khánh, Nguyễn Quang Thưởng*
*Phân viện Quy hoạch và Thiết kế Nông nghiệp
Từ khoá: sử dụng, hệ thống đánh giá đất tự động, ALES, đánh giá đất
Applying Automated Land Evaluation System (ALES) in land evaluation
ALES is a MS-DOS computer program that allows land evaluator to build expert system to evaluate land based on “Framework for land Evaluation” of FAO. Applying of ALES brings 3 advantages: economic parameters can be updated easily, decision trees can be modified and we can get evaluation results immediately. ALES evaluation results can be export to a GIS for display or further special analysis. However, the model building in ALES depends on conditions and objectives to satisfy local needs. So, there is no fixed list of land requirements by which land uses are evaluated and there is no fixed list of land characteristics from which land qualities are inferred.