Đào Châu Thu và nnk
Từ khoá: sản xuất, phân hữu cơ, rác, rác sinh hoạt, nông nghiệp sạch, khu dân cư, nông thôn
Composting household organic waste as bio-organic fertilizer for clean vegetable production
Content of research: collection and separation of organic waste at household; constructing house for OW composting; composting OW with 3 isolated and selected microorganisms with high digestion powers for n fixing and P and cellulose solving; analyzing the quality of the composting products as organic fertilizer; testing bioorganic fertilizer for clean vegetables on farmer’s fields. During 2004 and 2005 total 9 tanks were composted in which the volume of one tank around 9 tons of fresh organic waste. Up to now, we have got about 10 tons of high-quality compost as bioorganic fertilizer for clean vegetable production: cabbages, tomato, carrot and beans.