Nguyễn Thị Hiền*, Phạm Tiến Hoàng, Phạm Quang Hà, Vũ Đình Tuấn và ctv
*Viện Thổ nhưỡng Nông hoá
Từ khoá: vai trò, vùi hữu cơ, cân bằng dinh dưỡng, thâm canh, đất bạc màu, Bắc Giang
The role of residues to nutrient balance for four cropping system on degraded soil in Bac Giang province
The yields of spring paddy, summer soybean, summer paddy and winter potato (2001-2003) in treatments 4 and 5 were higher than that of other treatments. Treatment 5: reduced chemical fertilizers compared to the treatment 4: – 37.5% N, 25% P2O5, 21% K2O + residues for summer paddy, – 17% N, 50% P2O5, 25% K2O + residues for winter potato, 20% N, 15% P2O5, 20% Kq2O + residues for spring paddy. Results: yield of the treatment 5 was not reduced in comparison with treatment 4. It is concluded that using residues for degraded soils saved chemical fertilizer.