Hoàng Tự Lập và ctv1
1Viện Kinh tế Kỹ thuật Thuốc lá
Từ khoá: phân bón, cây thuốc lá, cây thuốc lá vàng, chế độ bón phân, Bắc Sơn, Lạng Sơn
Research on rational fertilizer regime for yellow tobacco growing in Bac Son, Lang Son province
Fertilization for yellow tobacco based on the soil analytical data gave the same quality, yield and economic efficiency of tobacco in comparison with the control treatment. In the other hand the fertilizer dosage has been reduced by 5kg of N, 10kg of P and 10kg of K, respectively per hectare compared with the control. Using of combination fertilizer of Tobacco Institute gave high quality and yield of tobacco. Especially, the C1+2 ratio has increased considerably compared with the control and clearly increased the economic efficiency too.