Hoàng Thị Minh*
*Viện Thổ nhưỡng Nông hoá Quốc gia
Từ khoá: dung tích hấp thu, thành phần caiton trao đổi, đất trồng lúa, ảnh hưởng, khả năng hấp thu, kali
Cation exchangeable capacity and compositions of exchangeable cations of some soil types under rice cultivation and factors impact on soil potassium absorption
CEC and composition of exchangeable cations of the soils are different depending o the content of organic matter, composition of clay mineral and farming systems. Alluvial soil of Red River has high CEC and rich in exchangeable cations such as Ca2+, Mg2+, K+. in degraded soils, CEC is very ow in surface layer and increase in deeper layer. Therefore, they are also poor in exchangeable cations. K absorbed capacity depends on CEC of soils. Soil humid, content of NH4+, Ca2+ on soil influence K absorbed.