Home / Tin tức / ĐẤT NITISOLS (NÂU TÍM)


Nguyễn Thúc Huyên (trang 41-47, 57)

Từ khoá:  đất, nitisol, đất nâu tím




Summarizing the diagnostic horizon and properties, soil field identification way… examine the correspondence between nitisols and same nomenclatures in VNC, FCS and USDA Taxonomy. Conclusions: nitisols have lowest areas and modest presence compared with 2 other tropical acid soils (acrisols and ferrasols). In VNC, violetish-brown soils correspond with nitisols, but may be inadequate to ultisols in USDA taxonomy, in FCS, nitisols are similar to tropical ferrisols, but ferrisols is nearly related with acrisols (WRB) more than nitisols in some cases. Between USDA taxonomy and WRB, ultisols correspond frequently with both acrisols and nitisols, but in many cases needed to examine in detail. Nitisols and ultisols still have an insufficient correspondence, as well as between USDA taxonomy and some other soil classification systems.

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