Nguyễn Khang (trang 57-60)
Từ khoá: đánh giá, sử dụng, đất, sử dụng đất, sử dụng bền vững
Assessment of present land use toward the sustainable land use view point
In Vietnam there are 373 land units with many sustainable land use types as: land for 2-3 rice per year, rice-sub crops per year, perennial industry crops. Proposals for land use based on land unit.: in the area of approximately 9.4 million ha available land using for agriculture and agroforestry: land for rice 4.35 million ha; for sub crops and annual industry crop 1.65 ha, for perennial crops 1.99 ha, for pasture 0.53 ha, water surface for aquaculture 0.42 million ha and for agroforestry 0.58 million ha.