Trần Viết Ổn, Trần Kông Tấu (trang 25-30)
Từ khoá: ảnh hưởng, độ ẩm, bốc hơi, đất, ferralit, ferralit vàng đỏ, phù sa cổ, Ba Vi
Influences of soil moisture on the actual evapo-transpiration of redish-yelow ferralitic soil developed on ancient alluvial deposit at experimental plot of Ba Vi district, Ha Tay province
There is a strongly correlation between soil moisture and evapotranspiration. Correlation coefficient is 0.96.m thus, the regression between two factors can be made in order to predict the actual evapotranspiration based on the known soil moisture values. This is very valuable in determine the dry crop irrigation schedule.